Five Planets > Astronomy by Frank > Planets > Five Planets

Object: Conjunction of Planets

Date: July 14, 2001

Exposure: 30 Seconds

Film: Kodak Ektachrome E200

Equipement: Losmandy G-11 GEM, Tokina ATX 80-200 @ 80mm f/5.6 piggybacked on 10" f/10 Meade OTA

Autoguider: Unguided.

Camera: Minolta SRT-102

5 Planets w/Labels
Hardware & Software: HP S20xi film scanner & Hamrick Vuescan 7.1.1. The scans, processed, cropped, and then digitally stacked using Picture Window 3.0.

Info: Before sunrise on July 14, 2001, five planets were in position to be placed in the same frame of my camera. Four of the five planets are Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Can you guess the 5th? If not click here or the labeled image above. Also visible are some stars in that region of the sky, including Albebaran and Elnath.

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Updated: 09/16/02 12:21:43 PM