Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann
Taken 8 May 2006 at 2:01 AM. Earlier in
the evening SW3c passed almost over the top of M57. Comet SW3
broke into many fragments of which this was one. |
Comet Linear
C/2000 WM1. Taken
21 November 2001. Comet Linear C/2000 WM1 was
photographed on November 21, 2001. You may notice
that the stars are trailed in the image, this is
because the autoguider was tracking the comet and
it is quickly moving relative to the background
stars. |
Comet Linear
C/2001 A2. Taken 14
July 2001. Comet Linear C/2001 A2 was
photographed on July 14, 2001, It is now on its
way away from the sun but It has been amazing
astronomers because its brightness keeps
surpassing predictions. You may notice that the
stars are slightly trailed in the image, this is
because the autoguider was tracking the comet and
it is quickly moving relative to the background
stars. |
Comet C/1996 B2
Hyakutake. Taken 26
March 1996. This 5 minute exposure on Kodak Gold
100 was taken with a Minolta X-700 using a 50mm
f1.7 lens and a 2x teleconverter. The negative
was scanned onto a PhotoCD. This photo was
hampered by significant sky glow from a half
moon, the usual urban light pollution of
southeastern Michigan, and an annoying motion
activated flood light at the site. In spite of
the 'fog' good color can be seen in the stars.
Polaris is the brightest star in the image and is
seen near the bottom center. |

Comet C/1996 B2
Hyakutake. Taken 26
March 1996. This 4 minute exposure on Fuji NPH
(400 asa) was taken by my mother with her Canon EOS 630 with a Canon
35-350 f/3.5-5.6L ultrasonic zoom at 300MM.
Tripod mounted, cable release at f/4.5. The
negative was scanned onto a PhotoCD. This photo
was taken at the same site and time as the above
image and was hampered by the same issues. Stars
down to apparent magnitude 9.7m are recorded. |
Comet C/1996 B2
Hyakutake. Taken 26
March 1996. This 4 minute exposure on Fuji NPH
(400 asa) was taken by my mother with her Canon EOS 630 with a Canon
35-350 f/3.5-5.6L ultrasonic zoom at 40MM. Tripod
mounted, cable release at f/3.5. The negative was
scanned onto a PhotoCD. This photo was taken at
the same site and time as the above image and was
hampered by the same issues. |
Comet C/1995 O1
Hale-Bopp. Taken
April 1, 1997. This 2 minute exposure on KODAK
TRI-X Pan (5063 ISO 400 B&W) was taken with a
Minolta X-700 using a 28-105 Vivitar Series 1
zoom at 105mm @ f3.8. |
Comet C/1995 O1
Hale-Bopp. Date
unknown. This 3 minute exposure on KODAK TRI-X
Pan (5063 ISO 400 B&W) was taken with a
Minolta X-700 using a 28-105 Vivitar Series 1
zoom at 28mm @ f2.8. Plenty of sky glow from
Flint, Michigan is visible. |
Comet C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp. Date unknown. A coworker of mine
with a 35mm Nikon using a 300mm lens piggybacked
on a 10" Meade LX3 took this unguided 10
minute exposure on Kodak Gold 400. The print was
scanned using a HP flatbed scanner. |
Comet C/1995 O1
Hale-Bopp. Date
unknown. My dear friend Pavel Kodytek took this
image of Hale-Bopp in the Czech Republic. I do
not know any other details but he was kind enough
to let me post it here. |