
www.my-spot.com > Astronomy by Frank > Deep Space > M16

M16 - The Eagle Nebula
Object: M16

Date: July 22, 2007

Location: "My-Spot" Observatory, West Bloomfield, Michigan (4.2 ZLM)

Exposure(s): 12 x 5 Min @ ISO 400 (60 Minutes)

Camera: Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D

Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA w/GEG and focal reducer at f/7.5 on Losmandy G-11

Guide Scope: ETX90 OTA and SBIG ST-4

Software & Processing: RAW image files were dark frame subtracted and converted to Tif files using my RawHide RAW file converter. The Tifs were then aligned and stacked using Registar 1.0.7 and then processed and cropped using Picture Window Pro.

Info: M16 - The Eagle Nebula, was really made famous by the awesome Hubble Space Telescopes' picture entitled "Pillars of Creation". The results where quite good when considering the wind. Not bad considering the horrible light pollution in this part of my sky.

Available Background sized images (.jpg)

640 x 480

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1280 x 1024

Updated: 07/23/07 11:03:22 PM