Object: M20 - The Trifid Nebula Date: July 16, 2002
Exposure: 1x 60 Min
Film: Kodak Royal Gold 400
Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade LX6 OTA w/Lumicon
GEG with focal reducer at f/7.5 position
Guide Scope: ST-4 autoguider (A0
- A1's)
Hardware &
Software: HP S20xi film scanner. The images were color corrected,
processed, and cropped using Picture Window and then
digitally stacked using Registar.
Info: M20, is also called the
`Trifid Nebula'. I am fairly sure that the RG400 film
used for this image was either processed poorly or was
bad. The negatives from this roll were not very dense and
the capture for this 1 hour exposure not as deep as the
mag 6.5 skies would suggest. Other images from the same
roll had the same issues.