Object: M51 Date: March 18, 2001
Exposure(s): 15 Min, 20
Min, 40 Min
Film: Kodak Elite Chrome
Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA
w/Celestron f/6.3 focal reducer on Losmandy G-11
Guide Scope: ETX90 OTA
and SBIG ST-4
Hardware &
Software: (Update) The each exposure above was
rescanned 8 times with the HP S20xi film scanner
and Hamrick
VueScan, The scans were then digitally stacked
using Registar and then processed and cropped
using Picture Window Pro.
Info: M51, also called
the Whirlpool Galaxy is at a distance of 50
million light years. This image is not an example
of good focus or tracking, as tracking problems
were still a problem at that time with my G-11.
What IS notable here is that a great amount of
faint detail can STILL be extracted from film
under light polluted conditions.