Object: M57 Date: August 4, 2001
Exposure(s): 18 Min, 18
Film: Kodak LE400
Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA w/GEG @
f/6.3 on Losmandy G-11
Guiding: SBIG ST-4
Hardware &
Software: HP S20xi film scanner, Hamrick Software's VueScan, The raw image scans
were processed, cropped, and then digitally
stacked using Picture Window.
Image Info: My image of
M57 really suprised me do to the fact that I took
it under my light polluted skies and during a
full moon! This image was one of the first times
I really saw a grain reduction in an image by
stacking. The stars do not show any tracking
problems, further confirming that I have made
useful improvements to my G-11. The 14.7 mag
central star in very clear. This is a BIG
improvement over my first M57 image.
Object Info: M57, the
Ring Nebula. The distance to M57 is not really
well known but most estimates are in the 2000 to
3000 ly range with a few beening farther out then
This (above) is a more processed
version of my M57 exposure. The intent
here was to more closely match the Hubble
Space Telescope's brightness of the image
(below) |
Here I superimposed the Hubble Space
Telescope's image of M57 over my version
of my M57 above as a kind of resolution
comparison. Of course, this really isn't
fair to the Hubble image because of the
huge amount of reduction applied to make
the image this small. To see what I mean
click here. |