The Nature Photo Gallery

Last Updated: 08/31/07 08:23 PM>Photo Gallery>Nature Photos

A Busy Bumble Bee "Waiting for Lunch"

This little crab spider waits patiently for his lunch to arrive. Taken in late August 2007 in a man-made meadow next to the building I work in. Konica Minolta 7D with a Minolta 50mm f/2.8(D) Macro. Click on the image for a large version.


A Busy Bumble Bee "A Very Busy Bee"

This little bumble bee was having a great time in a Northern Michigan flower garden late May 2007. Konica Minolta 7D with a Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro. Click on the image for a large version.


Daisies on Black "Daisies on Black"

These daisies were back lit with a remote flash unit. This was no fancy studio setup, rather this was taken on my kitchen counter at night with all of the lights off. Konica Minolta 7D with 50mm f/2.8 Macro and wireless 5600HS flash.

Thissle in the Wind "Wind"

This photo was a mistake! I think the shutter was tripped by accident. In any case, the effect was awesome. Somehow, this little thistle stands still as the Wind blows the grass all around. Kodak E100VS scanned with a Minolta Scan Elite II.

Grey Fox "Grey Fox"

This Grey Fox was enjoying a hot summer day. Good thing for Zoo's, They make wildlife photography a whole lot easier! Kodak Royal Gold 400 with a Maxxum 9 and a Sigma EX 100-300 f/4 APO Zoom.

Daisy on Black

"Daisy on Black"

This daisy from the flowerbed (maintained by my wife Lynn) in front of my home made the subject here. This is a composite of two bracketed exposures using my Minolta Maxxum 9 and remote flash. Kodak E100VS.

Irish Rainbow "Wooly Rainbow"

In 1998 my wife and I woke up after a great nights sleep at a B&B outside Dingle and looked out of the window. Rain and sun, a classic combo for our first Irish rainbow. I ran out to the back of the B&B and was very happy to capture this image. Agfa Ultra 50.

Beaver Wake in Brown Bridge Pond "Beaver Wake"

This a beaver was taken at Brown Bridge Pond in Grand Traverse County in north western lower Michigan. This was a truly beautiful fall day around the time of peak color in 1999. Brown Bridge Pond is one of my favorite photographic locations as is evident by the number of photos taken at or near there on this page. Photo taken on Ektachome E100VS.

Fall Milkweed "Fall Milkweed"

This photo was taken a couple miles from Brown Bridge Pond mentioned above. In fact it was taken earlier the same day as the photo above in 1999. The small image does not show the true nature of the photo. The depth of field is pleasantly narrow on this photo. Taken on Ektachome E100VS with Program mode on my X700.

Bee and a Rose of Sharon "Bee"

This little bee was so busy with its task that it didn't even notice me sneaking up to take its portrait. Captured on Konica Impresa 50 just as it flew off. My X700 with Vivitar Series I 28-105 zoom was in program mode for this exposure. Scanned from a 4 x 6 inch print. July 1999.

Mushroom "Mushroom"

Found along a nature trail near Brown Bridge Pond outside of Traverse City Michigan, this handsome fungus was captured on my trusty Minolta X700 and Vivitar Series I 28-105 zoom. I hand held the camera for this slow 1/8 sec f5.6 exposure! However in all fairness I was laying on my belly with my elbows firmly propped on the ground.

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