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Wide Field Updated: 05/28/03 06:04:32 PM
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> Astronomy by Frank
> Wide Field
Rho-Ophiuchi / Antares Region Rho-Ophiuchi/Antares Region
showing M4, NGC6144, IC4603, IC4604, IC4605, and
much more. The darkness and transparency
was the best I have ever seen, however, it was
very windy.
M8 / M20 Region M8 & M20. Taken from New Mexico Skies on Provia 400F. Used my Sigma EX 100-300 APO zoom on my Minolta Maxxum 9 (Dynax 9). This lens shows no signs of vinetting and is completely sharp to the corners.
Milkyway Wide Field This
wide shot was taken on September 27, 2000 from
Sleeping Bear National Park in Northwestern lower
Michigan. Taken with a 24mm lens (@ f/4) it
covers over 80°. With this wide of a lens
guiding was not required so I warmed up in the
car while this one was exposed. In many ways I
think these wide angle shots are among the most
pleasing astrophotos there are. Click on the
image for more info and larger images.
Cygnus (the swan) This
is a composite of two 30 minute unguided
exposures taken with my 50mm f/1.4 Rokkor PG lens
@ f/2.8 piggybacked on the LX6. One exposure was
taken with a Celestron LPR filter then converted
to grayscale to provide contrast. The
non-filtered exposure was modified to provide
only color information. The two were then
digitally stacked using Picture Window to give
the results here. Make sure you click on the
picture for the enlarged version.
Orion Region Composite
of a 5 minute and a 15 minute exposure. The film
was Fuji 100 Supria. The images were scanned
using my HP S20 film scanner. Like many of my
images heavy light pollution has wiped out much
of the detail. This is evident by the nearly
non-existant flame nebula. (I reprocessed this
image to bring out much of the missing detail)
Bubble Nebula Region This is a
single 60 minute exposure on E200 of the Bubble
Nebula Region. The images were scanned using my
HP S20 film scanner. Taken with a Tokina ATX
80-200 f/2.8 zoom lens.