Object: M57 and Comet
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3c Date: May 8, 2006 (2:01 AM Local
Exposure: 90 Seconds @
1600 ISO (Single Exposure)
Location: My-Spot Observatory - West
Bloomfield, Michigan
Konica-Minolta Maxxum 7D
10" f/10 Meade OTA w/Meade 0.63x focal reducer on Losmandy G-11
Guide Scope: ETX90 OTA and SBIG ST-4
(Mostly A1's)
Hardware &
Software: RAW conversion and Dark Frame subtraction done
using my own WinMRW conversion software. Then the image was then
curve adjusted using Picture Window Pro. No other processing was
Info: The focus of this image was very
poor and the Limiting Magnitude was in the 3.3 range. I could
not find my allen wrench set so a Meade 0.63x focal reducer was
simply set in the GEG body. I also had to wait for this FOV to
clear a very poorly placed tree.